Born in 1978 in Kalamazoo with a LM308 at its core this classic fuzztortion became witness to the hair-metal invasion as a youngster,survived a decade of grunge in the 90´s just after being sonically abused by many noise-rock and punk bands during its adulthood.
Nevertheless there is a love/hate relationship for many musicians between them and this electric animal. You got a desease spreading rodent on one hand but a endangered species on the other.
Where to go from here?! RANDALE PEDALE are clear about it: Let´s rip rock´n´roll a 2nd butthole of epic proportions!
The BLACKOUT comes along with a Baxandall bass and treble control to choose from a wide range of midrangy or modern and edgy scooped sounds. No matter if you want to live up to the classic and sharp sound of its ancestor or a more open sounding clipping characteristic: the toggle switch gives you three different distortion characteristics on electric guitar & BASS.
etched €166 / printed €150